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Suspended License

Although a Driving While License Suspended charge is generally seen as a minor criminal traffic offense, a conviction can have severe ramifications. There are two types of Driving While License Suspended (DWLS) charges. A DWLS without knowledge is a civil infraction and a DWLS with knowledge is a criminal offense.

The State of Florida has developed a statutory scheme to categorize “bad drivers” as Habitual Traffic Offenders. Once a person receives three convictions for any enumerated offense they are tagged as a Habitual Traffic Offender and their driving privileges are suspended for five years! Enumerated offenses include DUI, DWLS, LSOA, DUI Manslaughter, etc.

Even a DWLS without knowledge counts as a strike if you pay the ticket at the clerk’s office! Many drivers end up with a Habitual Traffic Offender designation without even receiving a warning!

Please call our team of dedicated Central Florida Traffic Violation Attorneys before paying any DWLS citation and most especially before going to court and entering a plea to a criminal DWLS. We have the experience necessary to help ensure you do not make a costly mistake.

Call one of our two locations at 407 743 8430 or 407-250-9557, for a prompt and free consultation with an experienced Central Florida criminal defense attorney at The Defense Group. We are available 24 hours a day for your emergency needs, and appointments can be arranged for nights or weekends if necessary.