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Property Crimes

The Defense Group routinely represents clients in Central Florida for a variety of criminal offenses that are classified as “property crimes.” Before you speak with any law enforcement officer about the allegations against you, call us to speak to an attorney about the specific facts and circumstances of your case. In fact never speak with a law enforcement officer unless you are accompanied by an experienced criminal defense attorney.

From our main office in Maitland (Orange County) Florida we represent clients all over Central Florida, including Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Brevard, Polk, Lake, Sumter, Marion and Volusia Counties. Call The Defense Group at 407 743 8430 or 407-250-9557.

Property Crimes Defined in Florida

Property crimes are generally defined in Florida as an intentional criminal act that results in the taking or destruction of another person’s property without the owner’s consent. The definition of property crimes includes both misdemeanor and felony offense. While theft is the most common, this category includes worthless checks, embezzlement, fraud, credit card offenses, identity theft, arson, and criminal mischief.

Property crimes are usually distinguished from violent crimes that involve the threat of force or actual force in order to accomplish the taking of property. The most common type of property crimes involving violence include robbery. Robbery is basically theft by use of force or threat of force.

Different Types of Property Crimes in Florida

The severity of the offense depends on the value of the property taken or damaged. Finding the proper valuation of the property is often an important part of the defense. Types of property crimes commonly prosecuted in Florida including the following:

  • criminal mischief or vandalism;
  • burglary;
  • dealing in stolen property ;
  • scheme to defraud;
  • trespass;
  • arson;
  • burning to defraud an insurance company;

theft crimes such as grand theft, employee theft, petit theft, larceny and shoplifting; and
burglary of a vehicle, occupied dwelling or unoccupied dwelling.

A property crime is defined as a criminal act that occurs when a person takes another person’s property without consent. When a person destroys another person’s property, it is also considered a property crime under Florida law.

Related Links for Property Crime Statistics

FBI’s Property Crime Statistics in the UCR Program – The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program shows crime statistics for property crimes including larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, burglary, and arson. Website includes crime statistics compiled by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Find graphs and figures showing a five-year trend from 2006-2010 which shows the estimated number of offenses by over the last five years.

Florida’s Property Crime at a Glance – Visit the website for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to find information on property crime in Florida from 1994 through 2014. See the percent change in number and rate over the last 10 years. View a graph showing the number of offenses against the rate per 100,000. Property crimes including in the study include motor vehicle theft, larceny and burglary. The statistics show a significant drop in both the number and rate of report property offenses over the past 10 years. SOURCE: Florida Statistical Analysis Center: FDLE (1994-2014). Crime in Florida, Florida uniform crime report [Computer program].

Finding an Attorney for Property Crimes in Florida

If you are a loved one is arrested for a property crime in Central Florida, contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys at The Defense Group. We have handled hundreds of similar cases in these counties over our many years of practice. Call us at 407 743 8430 or 407-250-9557.