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What is Expungement?

If you have been arrested for a crime, that arrest stays on your criminal record for life. However, you can apply for expungement or removal of the conviction from your criminal record. The expungement process involves destroying or sealing a state or federal record, treating the criminal arrest as if it never occurred. An expungement

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What is Probation?

Probation is a form of community supervision that is assigned by the court instead of incarceration. In most cases, probation is assigned to non-violent, first-time offenders so they can avoid going to jail. Individuals on probation must follow specific rules and regulations to avoid penalties or the revocation of probation. While the conditions of probation

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FLORIDA STATE CRIMES In Florida, crimes are generally divided into Felonies and Misdemeanors. We also have violations of County and Municipal Ordinances, but those are handled much the same as Misdemeanors. Because such a large portion of our practice involved DUI and Domestic Violence, we have provided separate pages (an entire website) to give you



TOURIST ARRESTS IN FLORIDA What can I do if I have been accused of a crime while vacationing? If you or a loved one were accused of a crime while vacationing in the Central Florida area please contact our office immediately. Under certain circumstances, we may be able to handle your court appearances for you!