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Author name: The Defense Group

What Steps Should You Take if Accused of a Misdemeanor Traffic Violation?

Getting Accused of a Misdemeanor Traffic Violation Being accused of any crime can be overwhelming enough, but misdemeanor traffic violations can have many factors and details that can affect the severity of the charge. This means that misdemeanor traffic violations can vary widely in consequences depending on the type of traffic violation. For instance, the […]

What Steps Should You Take if Accused of a Misdemeanor Traffic Violation? Read More »

How Can Defendants Navigate the Legal System When Facing Multiple Criminal Charges?

Outside of the legal field, most people think of a crime as one “thing”—a robbery or a drug sale. But when a single course of action violates multiple laws, prosecutors often have discretion to use separate charges against the defendant. An overzealous or ruthless prosecutor can use this to their advantage, creating dozens or even

How Can Defendants Navigate the Legal System When Facing Multiple Criminal Charges? Read More »

Is It Possible to Clear My Record of a Drug Conviction, and How?

Is It Possible to Clear My Record of a Drug Conviction, and How? Florida law allows certain criminal charges to be expunged or sealed, removing them from public record. Juvenile drug offenses have a strong chance for successful expungement if the offender has no other recent criminal charges. Unfortunately for adult offenders in Florida, expungement

Is It Possible to Clear My Record of a Drug Conviction, and How? Read More »

Cocaine Possession Laws in Florida: Penalties and Defense Strategies

Cocaine has a long history in the state of “Miami Vice,” where smugglers once landed tons of drugs and contraband on the coastline. That’s why the Florida government is serious about drug enforcement and penalties. Cocaine possession is a felony in Florida, and felonies can lead to years in jail with lifelong stigma afterward. If

Cocaine Possession Laws in Florida: Penalties and Defense Strategies Read More »

Defensa Contra Cargos de Posesión de Drogas en Florida: Estrategias y Opciones Legales

Florida no es lugar para encontrarse arrestado por cargos de drogas. Este estado es duro con los delincuentes de drogas, y los fiscales pueden ser demasiado suspicaz. Incluso los delincuentes primerizos pueden acabar encarcelados. Un abogado defensor con experiencia es su mejor esperanza para proteger sus derechos; en algunos casos, pueden conseguir que se rebajen

Defensa Contra Cargos de Posesión de Drogas en Florida: Estrategias y Opciones Legales Read More »

Defending Against Drug Possession Charges in Florida: Legal Strategies and Options

Florida is no place to find yourself arrested on drug charges. This state is rough on drug offenders, and prosecutors can be overzealous. Even first-time offenders may end up incarcerated. An experienced defense attorney is your best hope to protect your rights—in some cases, they can get the charges lowered or dropped entirely. What Does

Defending Against Drug Possession Charges in Florida: Legal Strategies and Options Read More »

Agresión a un Agente de la Ley: Aumento de las penas en Florida

La ley de Florida es severa con quienes dañan o ponen en peligro al personal de las fuerzas del orden. La ley impone penas más severas por agresión y lesiones contra una amplia gama de agentes y personal de primera intervención, incluido incluso cierto personal de seguridad privada. En Florida, los delitos graves y leves

Agresión a un Agente de la Ley: Aumento de las penas en Florida Read More »