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Author name: The Defense Group


Possession of cannabis is legal for medical or recreational purposes in many states, but Florida law still provides for harsh penalties. While some law enforcement agencies have decided to issue civil citations in place arrest for some marijuana crimes, other agencies are still aggressively arresting for possessing of even the smallest quantity of the substance […]


Conozca sus derechos

DELITOS ESTATALES – CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS Derechos de los acusados: La Carta de Derechos de la Constitución de EE.UU.; Cómo la Constitución de EE.UU. intenta garantizar un trato justo a los acusados de delitos penales: Hay dos principios fundamentales del sistema de justicia penal estadounidense: La presunción de inocencia del acusado y la carga de

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Know Your Rights

STATE CRIMES – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Defendants’ Rights: The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution; How the U.S. Constitution attempts to ensure fair treatment for criminal defendants: There are two fundamental tenets of the U.S. criminal justice system: The presumption that the defendant is innocent, and the burden on the prosecution to prove guilt

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Huir y eludir

¿Es eludir a un oficial un delito penal en Florida? Intentar huir o eludir a un agente de policía es un delito grave. Debido a las numerosas lesiones y muertes causadas por las persecuciones policiales a alta velocidad, la policía, los fiscales y los jueces se fijan en este delito que normalmente conlleva una pena

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Fleeing and Eluding

Is eluding an officer a criminal offense in Florida? Attempting to flee or elude a police officer is a serious offense. Because of the many injuries and deaths caused by high-speed police chases, the police, prosecutors and judges look at this offense that ordinarily results in a jail sentence. The actual statute that controls is

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Florida Traffic Violations What offenses can get my license taken away? There are a number of offenses, infractions and criminal offenses dealing with tags and driver’s licenses. Chapter 320 of the Florida Statutes deals with tag requirements and violations. Chapter 322 deals with the requirements for drivers to be licensed in Florida and the violations