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Author name: The Defense Group

¿Qué es la cancelación de antecedentes penales?

Si ha sido detenido por un delito, esa detención permanece en sus antecedentes penales de por vida. Sin embargo, puede solicitar la cancelación o eliminación de la condena de sus antecedentes penales. El proceso de cancelación de antecedentes penales consiste en destruir o sellar un registro estatal o federal, tratando la detención penal como si

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What is Expungement?

If you have been arrested for a crime, that arrest stays on your criminal record for life. However, you can apply for expungement or removal of the conviction from your criminal record. The expungement process involves destroying or sealing a state or federal record, treating the criminal arrest as if it never occurred. An expungement

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What is Probation?

Probation is a form of community supervision that is assigned by the court instead of incarceration. In most cases, probation is assigned to non-violent, first-time offenders so they can avoid going to jail. Individuals on probation must follow specific rules and regulations to avoid penalties or the revocation of probation. While the conditions of probation

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